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All Therapy Resources

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We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.




We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.
SPANISH VERSION - Managing Challenging Behaviour - Professional Training

SPANISH VERSION - Managing Challenging Behaviour - Professional Training

El siguiente paquete de desarrollo profesional de capacitación de personal se ha desarrollado para cualquier persona que apoye y trabaje directamente con personas que demuestran un comportamiento desafiante. Específicamente, este folleto informativo proporciona estrategias y apoyo para personas que tienen discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo. Este paquete explora lo siguiente: PROBLEMAS DE COMPORTAMIENTO DISCAPACIDADES DEL DESARROLLO POSIBLES FUNCIONES O CAUSAS DE COMPORTAMIENTOS Función de los comportamientos ¿Por qué ocurre el comportamiento? (Exploración de comunicación, atención, demandas, consideraciones sensoriales, tangibles, ambientales, salud mental y problemas médicos) RECOPILACIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE EL COMPORTAMIENTO Modelo ABC de datos (incluida la hoja de registro y el ejemplo) ESTRATEGIA GENERAL DE APOYO AL COMPORTAMIENTO POSITIVO Enseñar comportamientos apropiados, establecer reglas básicas, actividades planificadas, actividades calmantes y un área de calma ¿Cómo te sientes hoy? Mi cubo de resolución de problemas Recompensas por buen comportamiento, distracción y redirección Exploración de disciplina versus castigo, ignorancia planificada, consecuencias lógicas, consecuencias naturales, tiempo de tranquilidad, tiempo fuera MIRANDO A NOSOTROS MISMOS ¿Por qué tenemos que pensar en nosotros mismos? Explorando las emociones Causas del estrés Lidiando con el estres Cuidarte a ti mismo (patrones de pensamiento saludables, desarrollar mejores sentimientos sobre ti mismo, manejarte a ti mismo y a tu cuerpo) FORMULARIOS DE RECOPILACIÓN DE DATOS Formulario de datos ABC Formulario de pensamientos no saludables vs saludables Desafiando mi forma de pensamientos ENGLISH: This Spanish Version of our staff training professional development package has been developed for anyone who is supporting and working directly with individuals who demonstrate challenging behaviour. Specifically this Information Booklet provides strategies and supports for individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. This package explores: -BEHAVIOUR PROBLEMS DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES -POSSIBLE FUNCTIONS OR CAUSES OF BEHAVIOURS -GATHERING INFORMATION ABOUT THE BEHAVIOUR -GENERAL POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT STRATEGY -LOOKING AFTER OURSELVES -DATA COLLECTION FORMS


This is a fun and engaging resource that supports students to explore what factors they have control of verses what they do not have control of. Students are encouraged to read the 21 different prewritten cards and decide if they are to go in the “I’m in control of box” or the “I’m not in control of this box”. Conversation and deep thinking can occur exploring anxiety and exploring why focusing our time, energy and resources on the matters that we can control is important. This is a great resource for early learners as well as students with anxiety based presentations and difficulties. This resource is versatile and is great for emotional regulation, growth mindset and problem solving topics. This resource includes the following: 2 pages with box clipart differentiating between “in control” and “out of control”. Blank cards for Over 21 prewritten cards with ideas of what is “in their control” and what “is not in their control” ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - My Bullying Workbook Social Emotional Counseling Lesson

SPANISH VERSION - My Bullying Workbook Social Emotional Counseling Lesson

El acoso puede causar cicatrices psicológicas y emocionales. También sabemos que puede llevar al suicidio. Este libro es un guión para padres, profesores y todos los demás. “My Anti-Bullying Workbook” (Mi libro contra el acoso escolar) es un libro de 29 páginas lleno de todo lo necesario en uno. Este libro explora: ¿Quiénes son los matones? Tipos de intimidación Diferencia entre el matón/compañero Elaboración de un plan de acción de intimidación Consejos para el acoso cibernético Definición de bullying y vocabulario Ejercicio reflexivo ¿Aborda el cuestionario? Historia basada en el acoso y preguntas asociadas con la historia. Buscar una palabra Actividades individuales y grupales para apoyar el desarrollo de la reflexión y la comprensión actividades verdaderas/falsas Actividad de cartel de compromiso y mucho más… Este es un gran recurso para desarrollar un enfoque integral contra el acoso escolar en todos los ambientes - hogar, escuela, cuidado después de la escuela, hogares de guarda, asesoramiento! Por favor, revisa algunos de nuestros mejores vendedores. Recuerde - Por favor siga nuestra TIENDA! Gracias ENGLISH - Bullying can cause psychological and emotional scars. We also know that it can lead to suicide. This workbook is an allrounder for parents, teachers and everyone in between. “My Anti-Bullying Workbook” is a 29 page workbook jam packed with everything needed all in one. This workbook explores: Who are bullies? Types of bullying Difference between bully/buddy Developing a bullying action plan Cyber Bullying tips Bullying definition and vocabulary Reflective Exercise - Do you bully questionnaire? Story based on bullying and questions associated with the story. Find a word Individual and Group activities to support reflection and insight development true/false activities Pledge poster activity and much much more… This is a great resource to develop a comprehensive approach to anti-bullying within all environments - home, school, after school care, foster care, counselling!
SPANISH VERSION  GOOD FRIENDS vs BAD FRIENDS Qualities - Counseling Mini Lesson

SPANISH VERSION GOOD FRIENDS vs BAD FRIENDS Qualities - Counseling Mini Lesson

Aprender sobre lo que hace a un buen amigo y lo que lo hace un mal amigo es una habilidad vital importante. Estamos rodeados de personas todos los días, pero el nivel de amistad varía de una persona a otra. Este recurso incluye más de 36 tarjetas que incluyen características clave de buenos amigos y malos amigos. Estas tarjetas permiten a los estudiantes diferenciar entre las cualidades que les gustaría cultivar y las cualidades que ellos mismos quisieran buscar en un amigo. Al final del recurso hay dos páginas - una que es una caja para “Buenas Cualidades de Amigo” y “Malas Cualidades de Amigo”. Simplemente corte cada tarjeta y laminado para la longevidad. Los estudiantes se divertirán trabajando individualmente, en parejas o en grupos explorando cada una de las cualidades y características. Se incluyen algunas tarjetas en blanco para que los estudiantes puedan escribir sus propias tarjetas basándose en sus propias experiencias de lo que hace un buen amigo o un mal amigo. Por favor, revisa algunos de nuestros mejores vendedores. Recuerde - Por favor siga nuestra TIENDA! Gracias ENGLISH - Learning about what makes a good friend and what makes a bad friend is an important life skill. We are surrounded by people everyday, but the level of friendship varies from person to person. This resource includes over 36 cards which includes key characteristics of both good friends and bad friends. These cards allow students to differentiate between what qualities they themselves would like to cultivate and what qualities they would like to look for in a friend themselves. At the end of the resource are two pages – one which is a box for “Good Friend Qualities” and “Bad Friend Qualities”. Simply cut each card and laminate for longevity. Students will have fun working either individually, in pairs or in groups exploring each of the qualities and characteristics. There are some blank cards included so that students can write their own cards based on their own experiences of what makes a good friend or bad friend.
SPANISH VERSION Worry Jar - Coping Strategies for Anxiety - SEL

SPANISH VERSION Worry Jar - Coping Strategies for Anxiety - SEL

The following mini-lesson and craft activity is great to help students identify and sort your worries and help to clear your mind. This lesson goes through the process of creating your own worry jar and spending designated “worry time” which is great for clearing out the mental clutter that builds up when we have too many worries. Students are walked through the process in a fun, creative and engaging way to help them manage their worries, sort through what they can and can’t control and create an actionable plan. This mini-lesson explores: Learning about anxiety and worries Changes in your body (when you worry) What is a Worry Jar? The process (what to do?) Writing down your worries (including templates) Designated Worry Time Sorting Your Worries (in and out of your control) Create your own Worry Jar (craft activity) Ruminating on your worries Various Worry Jar Printable Templates Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION Anger Monster Lesson Activity | Workbook Craft Anger Management

SPANISH VERSION Anger Monster Lesson Activity | Workbook Craft Anger Management

This lesson helps students personify and project their anger onto their own monster that they create with the therapeutic aim to reflect and gain insight. Supporting children to personify anger can help make it easier to manage. This mini-lesson has been successful at supporting students who experience anger management issues. This intervention asks students to create a representation of anger and give it a name. By externalizing anger, it becomes something that they can deal with and manage. It is no longer an abstract idea that they have no control over. It becomes manageable. This intervention helps to create a sense of personal awareness and insight into their own anger. The Angry Monster can also act as an outlet so that the Angry Monster can hold onto the anger, helping to compartmentalize the stress and anger so that the student doesn’t have to. This therapeutic intervention requires the therapist to be very curious and unconditionally accepting of the Anger Monster that the student creates and imagines. Remember the vital role of empathy and at the end of the intervention thank the student for sharing what their anger looks like as a monster to support integration. Further discussion ideas for integration might include exploration of the following themes and trends that arise during this intervention. Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Calming Coping Strategy Cards - Emotions - Colour & Black & White

Calming Coping Strategy Cards - Emotions - Colour & Black & White

This resource includes 27 coloured and 27 black and white calming strategy cards. The strategies include the following: Drink water Cuddle a pet Blow a feather Breathe deeply Blow a pinwheel Read a book Breathe fresh air Pop bubble wrap Stress ball Listen to music Take a bath Rip paper Dancing Walk in nature Visualisation Jump rope Sing a song Bounce on a ball Stretch Squeeze a pillow Squeeze a toy Blow bubbles Calm down space Write a letter Make a silly face Paint a picture Push against a wall ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION Rainbow Coping Calming Skills - FREEBIE  - SEL

SPANISH VERSION Rainbow Coping Calming Skills - FREEBIE - SEL

Simply cut vertically between each individual coping skills colour strip. Encourage your students or child to take a coping skill off your Rainbow Coping Skill Cloud when they need one. Coping skills include: Deep breathing Relaxation Spend time with friends Drink of water Write it down Talk to someone Go for a walk Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Anger Monster Lesson Activity -  Workbook Craft Anger Management

Anger Monster Lesson Activity - Workbook Craft Anger Management

This lesson helps students personify and project their anger onto their own monster that they create with the therapeutic aim to reflect and gain insight. Supporting children to personify anger can help make it easier to manage. This mini-lesson has been successful at supporting students who experience anger management issues. This intervention asks students to create a representation of anger and give it a name. By externalizing anger, it becomes something that they can deal with and manage. It is no longer an abstract idea that they have no control over. It becomes manageable. This intervention helps to create a sense of personal awareness and insight into their own anger. The Angry Monster can also act as an outlet so that the Angry Monster can hold onto the anger, helping to compartmentalize the stress and anger so that the student doesn’t have to. This therapeutic intervention requires the therapist to be very curious and unconditionally accepting of the Anger Monster that the student creates and imagines. Remember the vital role of empathy and at the end of the intervention thank the student for sharing what their anger looks like as a monster to support integration. Further discussion ideas for integration might include exploration of the following themes and trends that arise during this intervention. Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH - Repairing Relationships - How to move forward after making a mistake

SPANISH - Repairing Relationships - How to move forward after making a mistake

This five page social skill resource which is great to support students with conflict resolution and friendship difficulties to go through the process of repairing the relationship and moving forward. This document outlines and provides detail instructions with the following progress: Acknowledge the mistake Planning the apology Apologise Exit Gracefully and additional key tips. This is additionally a great foundation of self-reflection within the friendship dynamics. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Rainbow Coping Calming Skills | FREEBIE | Social Emotional Learning

Rainbow Coping Calming Skills | FREEBIE | Social Emotional Learning

Simply cut vertically between each individual coping skills colour strip. Encourage your students or child to take a coping skill off your Rainbow Coping Skill Cloud when they need one. Coping skills include: Deep breathing Relaxation Spend time with friends Drink of water Write it down Talk to someone Go for a walk A Black and White version is included so students can colour in their own Rainbow Coping Skill Cloud! Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Rainbow Coping Calming Skills | FREEBIE | Social Emotional Learning

Rainbow Coping Calming Skills | FREEBIE | Social Emotional Learning

Simply cut vertically between each individual coping skills colour strip. Encourage your students or child to take a coping skill off your Rainbow Coping Skill Cloud when they need one. Coping skills include: Deep breathing Relaxation Spend time with friends Drink of water Write it down Talk to someone Go for a walk A Black and White version is included so students can colour in their own Rainbow Coping Skill Cloud! Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Unhelpful Thoughts Brain Dump | Self-Esteem CBT Mini Lesson Activity Craft SEL

Unhelpful Thoughts Brain Dump | Self-Esteem CBT Mini Lesson Activity Craft SEL

The following mini-lesson and craft activity is great to help declutter and clear your mind from unhelpful thoughts. This lesson goes through the process of a brain dump which is great for clearing out the mental clutter that builds up when we have unhelpful or repeated thoughts. Students are walked through the process in a fun, creative and engaging way to help dump unhelpful thoughts and learn to challenge them. This mini-lesson explores: What’s a Brain Dump? Understanding negative thoughts The process – what to do Unhelpful Thinking Styles When your unhelpful thoughts pile up Sorting your thoughts Dump your unhelpful thoughts – CRAFT Recycling your unhelpful thoughts Ruminating on your unhelpful thoughts Letting negative and unhelpful thoughts go Challenging your negative thoughts Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION Suicide & Self Harm Risk Assessment and Crisis Safety Plans

SPANISH VERSION Suicide & Self Harm Risk Assessment and Crisis Safety Plans

The following resource includes templates to help facilitate conversation to assess suicidal ideation and self harm and develop crisis safety plans. •SUICIDE AND SELF HARM RISK ASSESSMENT - Guidelines and Questions to support facilitating conversation in assessing the risk of suicide •PROCEDURAL TEMPLATE EXAMPLES •Incident of Attempted Suicide or Self Harm •Incident of Serious Self Harm •Incident of Less Serious Self Harm •Expressions of Imminent Intention to suicide or self harm •CRISIS SAFETY PLANS EXAMPLES – Suicide and Self-Harm protocols, procedures, letters and action and response plans. These examples are based on fictitious client information to ensure client confidentiality. •MOOD DATA COLLECTION SHEET – Exploring indications of “depressed mood” “deteriorating mood”, “normal mood” and “elevated mood”. Data Sheet so you can include individual symptoms. •SUICIDE AND SELF HARM MONITORING DATA SHEET (low, medium and high risk) •PRACTICAL THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP – One page tip Sheet of practical things you can do to help someone at risk. PLEASE NOTE: UTILIZING THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES DOES NOT IN ANY WAY MITIGATE THE RISKS OR ENSURE SUCCESS AND SAFETY. ENSURE THAT YOU CONSULT WITH CLINICIANS AND ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN LIASON WITH ANY ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.


This is a fun intervention for individual or groups. Give everyone in the group six m&m’s each. For each colour, the student should answer that corresponding question. If possible, try to ensure that there is a range of colours so they don’t get the same question. There are numerous versions for young and old to reflect on. There are 12 different versions included which are: Grief and Loss Growth Mindset Career Exploration Would you rather? Ice breakers How Questions Checking In Self-Care Depression Mental Health Anxiety Feelings & Emotions NOTE: If you don’t have access to m&m’s we have included printable m&m’s which can be printed, cut and used to random pick the m&m colours. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION Life Choices - Teenager Risky Behaviour Consequences  Pressure

SPANISH VERSION Life Choices - Teenager Risky Behaviour Consequences Pressure

This resource has been developed for teenage students to brainstorm and reflect on some risky behaviours and consider the negative and positives of the situation. This resource includes blank templates at the end of the resource for students to complete their own brainstorming maps. This resource includes considering the behaviours: unprotected sex, meeting up with strangers, gambling, prescribed medication, destroying property and breaking good behaviour bond. What is included in not an exhaustive list but a start to get students to start reflecting on their individual circumstances and what consequences for each of these behaviours would look like. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION -Let's Pause Impulse Control Counseling Lesson Self Control

SPANISH VERSION -Let's Pause Impulse Control Counseling Lesson Self Control

This mini lesson explores a fundamental executive functioning skill of self control and impulse control. This resource is creative and uses illustrations, metaphors and analogies to support students to reflect on the opportunities and choices they can make. This is a simple and easy NO PROP resource with an abundance of psychoeducation material, worksheets, activities and much more! Impulse control can be reinforced to help students succeed and this mini-lesson covers everything you will need to provide a great foundation for students to build on. Great for students who may struggle to think before they act, who have ADHD or could benefit from considering the consequences of their actions. This mini-lesson explores: What is Impulse Control? – what are impulses? Examples of good and bad impulses and how we can control these impulses. Self Reflection Questionnaire about impulsivity STOP & THINK Strategy Brain is like a Remote Control – exploring our “buttons” and their implications and consequences. This includes “Pausing and Stopping”. Exploring Actions and Consequences Making Better Choices – Emotional Regulation Strategies Think it out examples and template Review Questionnaire THIS MINI LESSON IS A GREAT ADDITION TO YOUR COUNSELLING OR SEL LESSONS! GREAT FOR INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP WORK. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Mindfulness Gratitude Growth mindset Activity - Joy and Gratitude Activities

Mindfulness Gratitude Growth mindset Activity - Joy and Gratitude Activities

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. This activity encourages students to develop a gratitude and thankful mindset by noticing the good things and blessings in their life, appreciate them and express gratitude. Teaching children the importance of gratitude is important and should not be underestimated. Expressing feelings of gratitude has been shown to decrease stress, improve sleep and increase a sense of belonging. This activity will go through 3 helpful steps to remember when showing your appreciation and gratitude. The traffic light system will go through the three steps in detail to support students to develop a healthy mindset about appreciation and gratitude. Being grateful for the things that you are appreciative can help you to learn to not be fearful about the future but instead focus your energy on the present. Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Positive Self Care & Wellness  | Counseling Activities Lesson Curriculum

Positive Self Care & Wellness | Counseling Activities Lesson Curriculum

This lesson encourages children to build self-confidence and problem-solving skills by developing their own “self-care” tea. Helping students explore self-care at a young age can help them feel more confident and prepared when they need to implement them. During difficult times. Students are encouraged and supported to create their own teacup filled with individual self-care habits and strategies that meet their individuals needs. Children can choose from a variety of self-care teacups and write their own self-care strategy tea bags to include. There are also a variety of self-care strategies included with visual supports that students can use if students require some support thinking of some strategies. Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Families Counseling Activities - Parent and Family Changes Self-care

Families Counseling Activities - Parent and Family Changes Self-care

This is a creative activity to help foster connection and create a sense of unity and “togetherness” within the family. Learning healthy self-care habits can start at an early age and the good news? It’s never too late to start learning about the importance of taking care of yourself. From making yourself a hot chocolate, running a bath or even dancing to your favourite singer. These can all be positive and healthy self-care habits. The important thing to remember is what is self-care for you might NOT be self-care for someone else. Self-care is about meeting your needs. As a family however, it is important to consider the needs and preferences of the whole family as well so you can create a menu of options that as a family you can do “together”. In this activity you will be creating your “family togetherness tea”. A cup full of self-care habits and strategies that as a family create a stronger bond of love and unity. All family members are encouraged to participate and provide valuable contribution by expressing their self-care needs. Collectively the family creates some go-to self-care strategies to help strengthen the family. Although not all self-care strategies will be everyone’s “cup of tea” (so to speak) being more aware of everyone’s needs, likes and preferences can provide a lot of insights and allow for opportunities for connection and communication, family cohesion and togetherness. Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.